The Result Of This Renovation Is Unbelievable!

The first big job was to renovate the roof, because the rain was getting inside. After that, they used machines to get the moisture out of the house, because the entire interior was wet. The roof turned out to cost a lot more than estimated because it contained asbestos. That had to be removed by a specialised company.


Unfortunately they had to borrow money because of this financial setback. That loan allowed them to do the renovation right the first time, and they also decided to insulate the roof so that the energy costs would be a lot lower. As you can see, they also installed a lot more windows, which let in much more natural light.

Most people would never dream of taking on a huge renovation like this, but the result after 2 years of work is really unbelievable! Not only have they created their dream house, they’ve also made a lot of money by transforming this ruin into a house that will be easy to sell. Share this bizarre renovation with your friends.
